Tuesday 7 April 2015

6 Weeks Pregnant!! (After Miscarriage)

I'm pregnant!! 

6 weeks to be more specific.. And still shocked. 

Considering the amount of BDing that happened in March, there was a slim chance of this cycle resulting in pregnancy. 

On Friday March 27 around 7am, I decided to take a clear blue digital test as I was officially 2 days late (CD34). This was calculated as CD18 being ovulation, plus 14 days = CD32 as my estimated AF arrival date.

Here are the results from that first test:

Ahhhh!! I cannot believe it. I have never felt so overwhelmed with happiness in my entire life. Not only happiness, but also a huge feeling of relief! 

I have taken about 4 more home pregnancy tests since then:

Seeing the test lines get darker and the digital weeks estimater increasing makes me feel much better! I am crazy nervous this time after having the miscarriage with our last pregnancy at 8.5 weeks. Once we pass that 8th week I will feel much better. 

My family doctor confirmed the pregnancy on April 2. 

I have my first ultrasound scheduled for April 24. This will be at 8 weeks, 5 days. 

Our immediate family, and some close friends have already received the news. 

Now the waiting game. I cannot wait for the first trimester to be over! 

Here is my final chart for Cycle #6: 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Long Overdue TTC Update Cycle #6 CD26

Hello... I am currently 8DPO and haven't done an update in forever! 

We had decided to 'not try' for March & April, until we move into our new house in May. Mainly because the stress and frustration living with my parents had become too much for us to handle while TTCing. 

According to my temps this month i ovulated on March 11 (CD18). I think this may be the first month I have actually properly ovulated since temping, as the last two months my temps were not as good as this month... (See charts below).

This cycle my ovulation temp spike was much better than the previous two cycles... Interesting. 

Since O my temps have remained very high... Higher than normal. 

As you can see, we did not BD very much this month, as we were not really planning on trying very hard this month.

We have a small chance I could be pregnant this month, but only a small chance...

Waiting game time!!

Thursday 19 February 2015

TTC Update Cycle #5 CD28

Whelp.... Once again... AF has arrived right on time. 

Onto Cycle #6.


I had a really weird temp chart this month  and really hoped it meant something good. But unfortunately not. Sadly temps really don't tell you much at all, aside from confirming ovulation day. 

March 2015, please be our month! 

Thursday 12 February 2015

Ovulation where are you?? TTC Update Cycle #5 CD21

Well... here is a quick update for my TTC followers.

I am currently on Cycle Day 21 of Cycle #5.

I have yet to see a temp spike! What the heck. It appeared that I had ovulated on Cycle Day 15 (same as last month). My temp had spiked the morning of Cycle Day 16 by .2C. Perfect.

Fast forward a couple days... since Cycle Day 16, my temp has gone back down to my normal pre ovulation temp. Last month after ovulation, my temp stayed higher and higher until AF arrived.

Does this mean I havent actually ovulated this month?? Or do the temps not really mean all that much. I had a ton of other ovulation signs, High Soft Open Cervix, tons of EWCM. I am so confused.

Of course this means I am going to have to just wait and see what happens. Will AF arrive on Cycle Day 28 as per usual? Or does this weird cycle maybe mean I have a fertilized egg trying to implant?

A girl can really drive herself crazy trying to get pregnant! Why couldnt I have just fell pregnant years ago, unexpectedly, and saved myself all this craziness!!

That is another thing that makes me crazy. The fact that I prevented pregnancy for all those years, and now can't manage to get myself pregnant while trying!!

My Husband and I are off to Edmonton for a weekend getwaway for Valentines Day. Hopefully this will keep me somewhat sane for a few days. Ahhh!

Vent session complete.

Saturday 31 January 2015

Owl Crazy - Home Decore Haul

Hey everyone! I wanted to share some of the items I have purchased/collected over the last couple months for our new home!

I decided to go with an Owl/Bird/Nature sort of theme. No reason. This theme just started to come together, so I went with it!

Living Room: Our Living Room is going to be Grey/White &Teal, with some Bird themed decore.

-Some little bird figurines (photo). Silver & white.

-Bird photos, these are individual photos in metal frames. I found these at Target, and they started the bird theme.
-Canvas engagement picture (photo). I had one of our Engagement Photos put onto a canvas at Costco. This is going to be on a white shelf at our front door. I spray painted this little shelf white. It will be great for keys and things.

 -Tilia Scentsy Warmer.

I also have some teal table lamps, a few more wall photos & throw pillows.

Kitchen: Our Kitchen is going to be the same color theme as the Living Room. The Kitchen is where the Owl Theme has gotten a tad bit out of control. I have so many owl items! I partially blame my Mom for this, as she has picked up a lot of these things for me.

-Owl Utensil Holder (Photo). I had been looking for one of these for months. White in particular.

-Owl Decorative Plate (Photo). I have no reason for buying this item. It matched the other items, and I had to have it! I got the holder for it at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

 -Owl Mugs (Photo). Self explanatory. Adorable!!

-Songbird Scentsy Warmer. I'm hoping this can sit in a window sill.

I also have some teal hand towels from... Target of course.

Guest Bathroom: Our Guest Bathroom follows the bird theme. I am going with White, Grey & Brown mainly.

-Shower Curtain from Jysk & matching bathroom set from Wal-Mart.

-Tilia Plug In Scentsy Warmer.

Master Bedroom: Our Master Bedroom is White, Grey & Burnt Yellow.

-Bedding from Jysk. I love this bedding. It makes the room look so bright and clean!
-Lamps from Target.

 -Whoot Scentsy Warmer. This is a beautiful warmer.
-Canvases to place on a shelf. I really liked these, as I could personalize. These were also from Target.

Master Bathroom: Our Master Bathroom follows our bedroom theme. Same colors, and Owls!
This bathroom has a shower stall, so I did not need a shower curtain (unfortunately-I'm sure I could have found an owl one!)

-Owl Hand Towels (Photo)

-Owl Jar (Photo)

-Whoot Plug In Scentsy Warmer.

Thanks for checking out this post!

Friday 23 January 2015


Welcome to my blog! This will be a short and sweet introduction. My name is Sarah Kathryn and the main topic on this blog will be my TTC Journey to Baby (trying to conceive). I have a YouTube channel which has some of the basic pieces of this story so far. My Husband and I got married this past July 2014, after 5 years of dating! We have a Shih Tzu named Bella, whom we treat as our child. We are currently in the process of building our first home together. We are also in the process of trying to start a family. I suffered a miscarriage at 8.5 weeks pregnant in September 2014. I will eventually write a post specifically regarding the details of that part of the story. Let me know what types of posts you would like to see from me, and watch for more posts soon! Thanks for stopping by!